Historically and presently Saudi Arabia is the home to the irrational and radical salafi/wahabi doctrine that has targeted the Islamic religion. The ruling family alongside the Al-Sheikh (descendants of Abdul Wahab-founder of wahabism) family proliferated this radical and un-Islamic teaching throughout the Middle East, North Africa, East Asia, Europe and North America and financed many of the present terrorist and extremist organizations.
Despite the conspiracy of attempting to spread and proliferate their infestation, this plot began to terrorize their own lands where many innocent men, women and children died under their false declarations. And now after this sedition, the ruling elite and the religious clerics are calling to obliterate the Al-Qaeda network present in the Kingdom. Yet they remain blindly submissive, dedicated and loyal to the aggressive and the iniquitous interpretations of salafism/wahabism; and in addition, they promote this false teaching around the globe.
From September 11 to today, the world especially the Middle Eastern region has witnessed a series of terror episodes that only devastated and belated the development of its societies. Moreover, Iraq has been the focal battlefield and refuge for the various fundamentalist factions. Everyday a number of foreigners operating under the command of the multi national forces are abducted by the salafi/wahabi radical groups. These foreigners who came to construct the remnant viable infrastructures of Iraq and inculcate a democratic system in Iraq are beheaded and mutilated by these fanatical groups. While they are committing these sadistic actions they are calling upon the Iraqi people to defend the country from the imperialist forces. The absolute paradox that the Iraqi people are faced with, is how these fanatical groups are calling the Iraqi society to defend the country from the multi national forces that came to install justice, freedom and peace for the Iraqi population while these radical groups are massacring the Iraqi people everyday in large numbers through various means. The truth is, these radical organizations came along with their salafi/wahabi doctrine in order to establish a foundation in Falluja and parts of Baghdad; and these radical groups that illegally entered Iraq from the peripheries of the country are receiving momentous assistance and training from the alleged neighbors of Iraq. Therefore, their main objective is to terrorize the people consequently the Iraqi people would blindly comply with their authority and false declarations.
Currently in Iraq terrorism is present in many formats and the most recent form has been the pro-Saddam demonstrations amongst the cities that benefited from Saddam’s tyrannical regime politically, economically and socially. In these cities were foreign salafi/wahabi terrorists from abroad are residing in, the citizens and its religious leaders had turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the mass graves of innocent Iraqi men, women and children along with the Kuwaiti brethrens. Instead of receiving apologies, support or explanations they commenced fabricating stories about the discovered genocide that they supported. In addition, the Arab world refuted the existence of the genocide present in Iraq; therefore we observe that these people are against the establishment of a new liberal and democratic Iraq because a liberal and democratic Iraq insinuates that the Arab leaders must liberate their citizens from tyranny and corruption and give up the red carpet. Therefore we sequentially observe and listen to their repudiation of the genocide in Iraq and to their support of the ‘Iraqi resistance’, which in realty is foreign salafi/wahabi terrorism, financed by Iraq’s supposed neighbors.
In Jordan, a coupon profiteer of Iraq’s oil during Saddam’s epoch is formulating a league of attorneys whom are requesting from the interim Iraqi government the absolute permission to enter Iraq in order to defend Saddam Hussein, an executioner and akin to Adolph Eichmann, a Nazi official. Hence, it is evidently important to unveil the destructive process the leagues of lawyers in Jordan are attempting to implement in Iraq by defending a sadistic monster. We all acknowledge that the prime activity of a lawyer is to defend the truth and prosecute the guilty. In the case of Saddam Hussein, an infinite list of evidences illustrates that this evil man is guilty of all the crimes he committed against Iraq, its people and neighbors. Every grain of sand and every molecule of water are verifications of Saddam’s guiltiness, therefore by defending Saddam Hussein this suggests that these league of lawyers are terrorists because they are defending and promoting the eruption of terror and tyranny in Iraq and the Middle Eastern region.